
Development Approvals (for Primary Developer)

Development Approvals (for Primary Developer)

Planning Clearance

To obtain the Planning Clearance, Applicants shall submit Schedule I the relevant supporting documents through applications@portcity.gov.lk

Supporting Documents:

The Applicant, when submitting the above documents, should also make the necessary payment as stated in Schedule V and submit the proof of payment for the payment made.

Development Permit

Upon obtaining the Planning Clearance from the Commission, to obtain the Development Permit, the Applicant shall submit the following documents through applications@portcity.gov.lk

  • Landscape plans, building plans, detail structural drawings, geotechnical drawings and mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) drawings prepared by the Relevant Qualified Person/s along with the review report from a third party accepted to the Commission.
  • Any additional sets of plans or enlarged details, specifications and other information or documents relating to the development as required by the Commission.
  • DCR Supplementary Form 05: A declaration signed by the Applicant on the appointment of a Relevant Qualified Person/s who designed and prepared the plans and drawings of the building works.
  • DCR Supplementary Form 06: Declaration signed by the Relevant Qualified Person

The Applicant, when submitting the above documents, should also make the necessary payment as stated in Schedule V and submit the proof of payment for the payment made.