
Laws and Regulations

Laws and Regulations

A modern regulatory and legal framework designed for the international market, to guarantee ease of doing business.

Businesses registered within Port City Colombo, are governed by the laws and regulations of the Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act, and thus are privy to unbound financial and business growth advantages of the Special Economic Zone.

Colombo Port City Economic Commission Act

Colombo Port City Economic Commission is the Single Window Investment Facilitator for the promotion of ease of doing business within Port City Colombo SEZ.

Authorised Persons Engaged in Business Regulations

Development Control Regulations

Fees Regulations

The Fees Regulation shares the fees for Authorised Persons and Authorised Persons intending to be designated as Business of Strategic Importance and Authorised Persons intending to engage in Offshore ...Show more

Guidelines on the Grant of Exemptions or Incentives to Businesses of Strategic Importance Regulations

In keeping with the objectives of the Government, the Colombo Port City Economic Commission is engaged in promoting the Colombo Port City among global investors as a Business Enabling Environment that...Show more

Guidelines on the Grant of Exemptions or Incentives to Businesses of Strategic Importance - Duty Free Operations Regulations

The Duty-Free regulatory framework outlines the guidelines for duty-free operations within Colombo Port City, including eligibility criteria, permitted activities, and goods.

Management of Condominium Property Regulations

The Management of Condominium Property regulations establish a comprehensive framework for the management and administration of condominium properties within Colombo Port City, covering space allocati...Show more

Offshore Banking - Preliminary Regulations

The Colombo Port City (Offshore Banking-Preliminary) Regulations outline the eligibility criteria, licensing process, and operational requirements for offshore banks.

Offshore Banking - Prudent Management and Confidence Regulations

The Colombo Port City Offshore Banking-Prudent Management and Confidence Regulations establish the supervisory framework for these operations, assigning oversight to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

Registration of Offshore Companies Regulations

A company incorporated in any jurisdiction that wishes to engage in business in and from Port City Colombo must register as an offshore company.

Regulations for Registration, Licensing, Authorisation and other Approvals of Authorised Persons

To engage in business in Port City Colombo, you must be an Authorised Person (AP). This regulation includes the application process and applicable terms and conditions.

Amendment to the Immigrants and Emigrants Regulations

Regulations made by the Minister of Public Security under Section 52, read with Section 23 of the Immigrants and Emigrants Act, (Chapter 351) and approved by Parliament. The Immigrants and Emigrants R...Show more

Investments in Colombo Port City Regulations

Foreign Exchange (Investments in Colombo Port City) Regulations, No. 01 of 2022 under the Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017. Directions No. 6 of 2022 under Foreign Exchange Act, No. 12 of 2017 (Vi...Show more

Notice of Inclusion of Colombo Port City Land as Part of the Colombo Administrative District

Notice of inclusion of Colombo Port City Land as part of the Colombo Administrative District under Section 3 of the Administrative Districts Act, No. 22 of 1955.